Art and Poetry are essentially the same thing. The only difference is the medium;
Art(drawing/painting) is of visual art, and poetry is art of words.
I love both. Many people assume that painting art on a canvas is harder than composing a poem, which is not necessarily true.
People often confuse drawing realistically with good art. Though being able to draw a photo-realistic drawing is certainly a skill that can only be achieved via years of training, the skill itself is not the secret to good art.
As far as I’m concerned, art is all about yourself, and how they get a hint of yourself by looking at your creation. I often tell my friends that I try to pour my soul into art. As an atheist, I love to use the word “soul“. But really, that’s what I say.
One of the things art does best is to express inexplicable feelings very well unlike language. In language, you are left with the limited range of vocabulary. The language only works as long as the two people share and deeply understand the grammar and the vocabulary they communicate with.
I’m not saying art is infinite and language is inferior, but art is good at creating from zero, and filling up the gap.
That’s the characteristic which I think the artists should take an advantage of.